
Vibe FAQ’s

Please see below Frequently Asked Questions from young people enquiring about our Vibe service or those who have been offered a placement.

What kind of transport will be taking me to Vibe?

You Local Authority should provide transport to and from the Donaldson Trust in the form of a taxi and, depending on individual needs, an escort.

Who will be my escort?

Your Local Authority will contact you to inform you who both your taxi driver and escort are.

Will it always be the same escort and driver?

Yes – however this may sometimes change due to sickness / annual leave.

Can parents be the escort for the first few trips?

Yes – as long as your Local Authority are informed.

What are the hours for Vibe?

9am – 3.30pm Monday to Thursday and 9am – 12.30pm Friday

However, these can be built up from a smaller number of hours to a greater number of hours in order to familiarise yourself with the service.

What time will the escort/ transport arrive to get me to Vibe on time?

This is dependent on how far from the Trust you stay.

Your driver will inform you of this before your placement at Vibe begins.

Is there a uniform?

No, though we ask that you dress comfortably and in clothes that make you feel happy.

Who will be tutoring me Numeracy & Literacy?

There will be a small number of tutors who will be introduced to you prior to the start of your placement.

Will it be the same tutor all the time?

It is likely that there will be a small number of tutors delivering numeracy and literacy individualised to your needs within Vibe.

Will my key worker be supporting my transition and staying with me during the first few sessions?


What is the expectation/plan for transition?

Your key worker will be in touch with you to discuss transition plans prior to you starting your placement at Vibe.

Who is involved with my transition to Vibe?

You, your key worker and anyone else that you want to be involved.

Can I come in for a short period of time and build it up at a pace that is best for me?


What will my day in Vibe look like?

This will depend on you, your Person Centred Plan and what best meets your needs.

What level of work will I be doing in Vibe after being out of school for so long?

The work will be delivered at a level and a pace that suits your needs and abilities, and will have a focus on wellbeing, stress reduction and mindfulness.

I have been home schooling/ had a tutor. Do I need to re-do what I’ve already done?

No, we will have a handover from tutors/schools/parents in relation to key stages, progress and any adjustments that you may need.

How long does each numeracy & literacy session last?

This will depend on your individual needs and discussions that you have with your key worker in terms of stress management, focus and how you are feeling on the day.

What kind of things will I be doing at Vibe other than numeracy & literacy?

This will be discussed as part of your Person Centred Plan and any Person Centred Planning updates, but could include arts and crafts, stress reduction activities, outdoor pursuits and more, depending on your individual interests.

Are there other young people that will be starting with me in August?


What plans are in place if I feel overwhelmed?

This will be discussed with your key worker and tutors in reference to coping strategies and stress management techniques. Your key worker will support you with this.

Can I buy snacks and lunch when I am at Vibe?

Those who are using the Vibe service can purchase hot meals or snacks from the Bistro within the Donaldson Trust campus or bring in their own packed lunch and/ or snack.

I am entitled to free school lunches, will I also get these at Vibe
